“One piece of advice would be not to compare yourself to anybody else and just try to be amongst the best in the field you want to build a career in. You can not always be the best, however you can always be amongst the best,” says Dhairya Gangwani- Career Coach & Content Creator.
Independent, Ambitious & Happy- Dhairya’s professional journey began in Jan 2020 with KPMG as a Trainee. From then to now, being a full-time career coach & content creator today, has been nothing short of a miracle.
“I have always believed in going after what you have faith in and working hard. There is no shortcut to achieving your goals. Be consistent & Be patient,” says Dhairya.
She learnt a lot from my corporate journey, whether it was business Communication, Interpersonal Skills, Team Management or developing an EQ. All of these skills acted as transferable skills and came in handy when it was time to build her own team, and her personal brand.