Journey Of An Entrepreneur

“My advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is to start-off small, test waters and use an iterative approach and keep improving based on the initial learning in a small subset” says Surbhi Bhatia.

A no-nonsense, go-getter, Surbhi started off her entrepreneurship journey with the @the_mom_store in her 3-BHK with just three products. From managing and creating the website, to receiving, packing and shipping the orders, and also managing all functions like marketing and customer care on my own. Within two and a half years, Surbhi has a 5000 sqft office space and 20 happy employees, with more than 5,000 products listed on her website today.

For Surbhi, being a solo entrepreneur was challenging but in hindsight it helped her understand the entire value chain of e-commerce extensively and she is not blindsided by any issue that might come up today. Adding to this, her independent nature has helped her drive the start-up as per her vision and inculcate the same in her team as well.

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