Living On Your Own Terms

“Don't settle for the status quo and don't be afraid to be a beginner. Everyone has humble beginnings” says Lindsey. Lindsey landed her first job at the age of 18 in the service industry. In 2018 after a painful lay off from a demanding company, she realised that she was meant to carve her own path. 

She realised her love for writing and storytelling and pivoted to content marketing for B2B tech startups. She sold all of her belongings so as not to be stuck at a place and travel the world full-time. Currently, she is living and working from Mexico.


In the last 3 years she has helped companies reach 30K+ page views in one year and her work has been recognized in Forbes Business Council, Business Insider and other international publications. 

Designing her preferred lifestyle around her business, she believes in building a life that reflects your core values.

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