Put In The Work, And Success Shall Follow

“Chase excellence, do not live amidst mediocrity as that will never let you thrive,” says Priyanka Sehgal, Founder LitDigital and Ex-Vice President, of Network 18.


If you’re striving for success, you must first and foremost be disciplined. Disciplined to work on your long-term goals, to allot time each day to learning. If you are already doing what you love professionally, you’re already on the right track. It is never too late to follow your ambition, no matter how far-fetched it may seem at first. The ability to follow through on your ideas and execute them will ensure you nurture new skills. 

 With 22 years of experience in content, strategy, product, and revenue, Priyanka has donned various hats and is leading channels to top ratings and onboarding new audiences on digital, she is nothing short of a dreamer & a doer. She has worked with brands in the FMCG, BFSI, and Government space and has also advised startups in the fintech, health tech, food tech, and media tech spaces, which is how her role expanded beyond media. 

“Don’t let compulsions ever get the better of you. If it doesn’t make you happy, don’t do it. Find other ways to bring you happiness.”  Regret to have never started, often sets you up for disappointment. Priyanka is a brand in herself & we look forward to seeing what's next on her radar!

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