Recognise Your Own Worth At Work

“If you find an opportunity that resonates with you, don't let your own insecurities get in your way, You're better off with rejection than regret.” says Kartikeya. He began as an Assistant Producer at  a platform for college-going artists.

Currently he’s s senior creative strategist at Schbang where he builds brands to be where they want to be. Brands he has helped gain recognition across the nation so far - Fevicol, Dabur Chyawanprash, Crompton, Domino's and Horlicks.

His wit and his hold on words has played a huge role in his journey from a singer-songwriter to copywriting, a skill that is of utmost importance in the digital era. Being able to catch people’s attention in a short span is truly a skill to be admired. This has allowed him to evoke emotions through conversations and eventually through brands.

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